How to Install Everhem Cafe Curtains

When your Everhem Cafe Curtains arrive, use our detailed guides as a tool that will help ensure a smooth installation! Keep reading to familiarize yourself with the steps it takes to get beautiful results.

Inside Mount Cafe Curtains in Moon

Step One: Find center bracket mounting position.

Locate the mounting height listed on your Everhem packing slip, then find the horizontal center of the total rod width listed on your Everhem packing slip. Tape a piece of paper up in this general area to avoid marking up the window trim. Next, mark the paper at the exact spot where the center bracket will be mounted. From that spot, mark the paper with perpendicular lines, making sure both lines are long enough to intersect with one another.

Step Two: Mark the bracket screw holes.

With the bracket against the paper, align the top of the bracket with the horizontal line and the center of the bracket with the vertical line. Make sure it is level, then mark the screw holes with a pencil.

Step Three: Drill the marked screw holes.

Using your power drill and the 7/64” drill bit, drill into the marked holes from Step 2.

Important note: Read our Inside or Outside Mount guide to help you determine how you should properly drill into your mounting area!

Step Four: Secure the bracket.

Line the bracket up with the pre-drilled holes. Use the provided mounting screws, your power drill and your phillips head drill bit to secure the bracket into place halfway. Remove the piece of paper from behind then tighten the screws fully to secure the bracket.

Step Five: Find end brackets’ mounting position.

Locate the mounting height listed on your Everhem packing slip; then, along that height, find the center of the flat mounting depth on your window. Tape a piece of paper up in this general area to avoid marking up the wall. Next, mark the paper at the exact spot where the end bracket will be mounted. From that spot, mark the paper with perpendicular lines, making sure both lines are long enough to intersect with one another. Repeat this process on the other side of your window.

Step Six: Mark brackets’ screw holes.

With the bracket against the wall, align the top of the bracket with the horizontal line and the center of the bracket with the vertical line. Make sure it is level, then mark the screw hole with a pencil. Repeat this process for the second bracket on the other side of the window.

Step Seven: Drill the marked screw holes.

Using your power drill and the 7/64” drill bit, drill into the marked holes from Step 2.

Step Eight: Secure the bracket.

Line one bracket up with the pre-drilled hole. Use the provided mounting screws, your power drill and your 1⁄4” hex socket drill bit to secure the bracket into place halfway. Remove the piece of paper from behind then tighten the screws fully to secure the bracket. Repeat this process to secure the second bracket, making sure it is level with the first.

Important note: Make sure you're referring to the guide based on what type of mount you have to stay on track! If you have Inside Mount click here, if you have Outside Mount click here!

Step Nine: Place rings onto the rod.

We usually provide a few extra rings, so start by counting the hooks on your drapery panels first. Place as many rings on the rod as the hooks on your drapery panels.

Important note: For steps 9-10 please refer to the guide based on the type of mount you have

Step Ten: Secure the rod.

Find the closed socket and insert the rod with the rings into the closed socket. Then, find the open socket and rest the rod with the rings onto the open socket.

Step Eleven: Hang your curtain(s).

From the furthest left ring, place the furthest left hook of your curtain panel through the eyelet of the ring until the panel is fully secured. Repeat for additional panel(s).

Once you completed the steps of the guides and double checked your work, feel free to snap a picture and send it our way! We'd love to see your new Everhem Cafe Curtains.